ISC 2015- Information Security Conference 2015
Wednesday, September 9, 2015 to Friday, September 11, 2015
The Eighteenth Information Security Conference (ISC 2015) will be held in Trondheim, Norway, on 9-11 September 2015.
The Information Security Conference (ISC), which started as a workshop (ISW) in 1997,is a well-established and highly reputable international conference that is held yearly.
It has been held in five different continents. The conference seeks submissions on novel theoretical and practical results in:
- access control
- accountability
- anonymity and pseudonymity
- applied cryptography
- authentication
- biometrics
- computer forensics
- critical infrastructure security
- cryptographic protocols
- database security
- data protection
- data/system integrity
- digital right management
- economics of security and privacy
- electronic frauds
- embedded security
- formal methods in security
- identity management
- information dissemination control
- information hiding & watermarking
- intrusion detection
- network security
- peer-to-peer security
- privacy
- secure group communications
- security in information flow
- security for Internet of Things
- security for mobile code
- secure cloud computing
- security in location services
- security modelling & architectures
- security and privacy in social networks
- security and privacy in pervasive and ubiquitous computing
- security of eCommerce, eBusiness and eGovernment
- security models for ambient intelligence environments
- trust models and trust policies
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: 27 April 2015
Notification of acceptance: 12 June 2015
Proceedings version deadline: 1 July 2015