DPPT’15-Data Protection, Privacy and Transparency Workshop
The Data Protection, Privacy and Transparency Workshop (DPPT’15) will be held on 29th of May 2015 in Hamburg, Germany, in conjunction with the 9th IFIP International Conference on Trust Management.
The protection of personal data and users’ privacy is a major concern especially with technology advances that make the data accessible from anywhere. Research often focuses on the security of data and the prevention of data breaches. However, privacy and data protection extends beyond security mechanisms and links to several other concerns that relate not only to technological aspects but also societal and regulatory aspects that can affect greatly how we protect our data and maintain user privacy in the process. One major concern is lack of transparency on data protection measures taken by service providers and how these handle customer and consumer data. This affects consumers’ trust for new technologies (e.g. cloud eco-system). Another concern comes from the recent Snowden revelations regarding state access to data held by private enterprises without the knowledge of those whose data it concerned (PRISM, TEMPORA). In all, a pressing question is how transparent information processing actually is, especially, when it comes to processing of personal data in complex environments, like cloud ecosystems. Companies need more than ever to prove to businesses and consumers how they handle their confidential and personal data. Transparency and accountability are gaining attention as a result.
This workshop aims at bringing researchers from different disciplines to discuss recent advances in privacy-enhancing technologies, transparency, and accountability mechanisms. Security experts are needed to develop technical tools that will implement data protection in practice, by promoting accountability and transparency to the benefit of individuals and companies. Data protection experts are needed to indicate exactly what needs to be done and to ensure that technical tools actually comply with fundamental requirements set by law. The workshop will run for a full day with an invited talk from a Data Protection Authority in Germany (to be confirmed).
Important Dates
Paper/abstract submission: 6th of March 2015 (extended)
Notification date: 16th of March 2015
Camera ready papers due: 20th of March 2015
Workshop date: 29th of May 2015
More information can be found in the Call for Papers.