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Cybersecurity and Privacy (CySeP) Winter School

Monday, October 27, 2014 to Friday, October 31, 2014

The first Cybersecurity and Privacy (CySeP) Winter School will be held at the KTH campus in Stockholm, on October 27-31, 2014. CySeP is a week-long series of seminars and hands-on tutorials, including demo/poster sessions, about solving real-world security and privacy (S&P) problems.

Anyone with a keen interest in S&P, having a basic understanding or being an expert, whether a researcher or a practitioner, is welcome and can benefit from attending CySeP. Registration is open!

Check https://people.kth.se/~papadim/cysep for the unfolding of the week, the registration and the demo/poster presentation.

Important dates:

(i) Demo/poster deadline: Oct. 10, 2014

(ii) Registration deadline: Oct. 15, 2014

Prominent experts from academia and industry will introduce diverse cutting-edge S&P topics, reveal experiences and discuss how to adopt S&P solutions in everyday life and business. Tutorials will provide hands-on exposure to key state-of-the-art S&P technologies and advanced training. Demos/posters will showcase latest achievements on addressing S&P challenges.

Topics include:

Cloud security, cryptography and applications, security for ad exchange, privacy enhancing technologies, database security, access control, mobile security, embedded security, and forensics.


- Pierangela Samarati (University of Milano, Italy)

- Yvo Desmedt (University of Texas, Dallas, USA)

- Moti Yung (Google, USA)

- Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany)

- Jan Camenisch (IBM Research, Switzerland)

- N. Asokan (Aalto University, Finland)

- Florian Kerschbaum (SAP, Germany)

- Refik Molva (EURECOM, France)

- Ravi Sandhu (University of Texas, San Antonio, USA)

- Radia Perlman (EMC, USA)

- Charlie Kaufman (Microsoft, USA)

- Milan Petkovic (Philips, Netherlands)

- Keith Martin (Royal Holloway University of London, UK)

- Valtteri Niemi (University of Turku, Finland)

- Xavier Larduinat (Gemalto, France)

- Jovan Golic (Telecom Italia, Italy, and EIT ICT Labs)

- Sebastien Gambs (University of Rennes, France)

- Jorge López Hernández-Ardieta (INDRA, Spain)

- Jose Maria de Fuentes (University Carlos III, Spain)