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SERE 2014

Monday, June 30, 2014 to Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The 8th IEEE International Conference on Software Security and Reliability (SERE 2014), will be held in San Francisco, California, USA, in June 30th - July 2nd, 2014.

SERE 2014 brings together a broad spectrum of both researchers and practitioners who present on-going ideas, experiences, and most recent research. They can exchange their best practices for developing reliable, secure, and trustworthy software systems more effectively and efficiently. This gives the academic community an increased awareness of areas vital to the industry, while also presenting practitioners an opportunity to express their needs.

The conference has three major tracks: research papers, fast abstracts and the student doctoral program. Included are invited keynote addresses, talks, panels, and tutorials on emerging topics related to the scope of the conference. Additional workshops, more intensely focused, will also be held concurrently.


Important Dates:

Workshop proposals due to November 15, 2013

Regular papers due to January 25, 2014

Fast Abstract Track due to February 20, 2014