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Release of the CSA Cloud Trust Protocol

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thanks to the support of the peer reviewers and contributors (including the EU projects SPECS, A4Cloud and CUMULUS), Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) are pleased to announce the release of the CSA Cloud Trust Protocol (CTP) data model and API specification.

The Cloud Trust Protocol (CTP) is designed to be a mechanism by which cloud service customers can ask for and receive information related to the security of the services they use in the cloud, promoting transparency and trust.

How to download the CTP API specification? Please download it from https://cloudsecurityalliance.org/download/cloudtrust-protocol-data-mode....

What's next? CSA will start integrating and demonstrating the CTP API in the context of the research projects like FP7 SPECS.

Is there an implementation of the API? Yes, as part of CSA's contribution to SPECS, a prototype implementation of the CTP API will be released as open source by mid-December 2015. This will allow CSA to validate and fine-tune the CTP API in a set of concrete use-cases. Before that, CSA will be contacting the CTP peer reviewers to provide them with "beta tester" access to the CTP code repository