A4Cloud's quick survey on accountability tools in the Cloud
The new general data protection regulation requires cloud providers and customers to be more responsible with personal and sensitive data they are storing and processing in the cloud. Yet, how to become such a responsible data steward? The EU-funded A4Cloud project has developed various mechanisms and prototype tools that aim to help you out. For example, tools that help you make conscious choices what cloud services to use or tools that provide incident notifications to you and your customers. However, in order to understand what the expected value of these tools and mechanisms is in today’s cloud infrastructures we need your input!
Please click on the following URL below or cut and paste into your browser to start the survey. It will take approximately 15 minutes of your time.
The information is used to provide guidance on how to stimulate responsible behavior throughout the entire cloud infrastructure. Moreover, the results will be reported to the European Commission via a report on the expected socio-economic impact of accountability in the cloud to guide policy making.
We will share our main results with you via our project website.
For further information you can contact:
dr. Maartje Niezen, m.g.h.niezen@uvt.nl
Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology & Society / Tilburg University