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The Cloud Accountability Project (or A4Cloud for short) focuses on the Accountability for Cloud and Other Future Internet Services as the most critical prerequisite for effective governance and control of corporate and private data processed by cloud-based IT services. The A4Cloud project will increase trust in cloud computing by devising methods and tools, through which cloud stakeholders can be made accountable for the privacy and confidentiality of information held in the cloud. These methods and tools will combine risk analysis, policy enforcement, monitoring and compliance auditing. They will contribute to the governance of cloud activities, providing transparency and assisting legal, regulatory and socio-economic policy enforcement.
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Aspects of Accountability
Accountability is increasingly a core of requirement defined by legal compliance frameworks, most notably in regards to data protection. But strong accountability goes beyond legal compliance: it is a demonstration of strong ethics and respect for the expectations of stakeholders.
Conceptual Framework
The Cloud Accountability Conceptual Framework considers the concept of accountability and accountability relationships in the cloud, and proposes an approach, model and framework as foundation to develop and validate techniques for implementing accountable cloud ecosystems.
Reference Architecture
The goal of the Cloud Accountability Reference Architecture is to provide an abstract but powerful model for designing accountability in modern cloud and future Internet ecosystems. It is as an essential step towards addressing the requirements of the target stakeholders.